More Ancestors than Problems: Tend your Creativity

Sweet Community,

This blog is to get you up to date on some of the In-Depth yoga happenings at Devoted Yogi these days - even if you weren’t available to join in, you still deserve the fruit of the practice! 

Just hold that a moment, even if you couldn’t get yourself to the mat - you still deserve the benefit of the practice. In fact, that is what community practice is all about. 

I practice for you, you practice for me. The fruit of practice ripens us all. 

This month's remembrance was:


. . . straight from the poetic lips of Jaiya John (If you haven’t read his work - pls do.)

I wanted to gift our opening 90 Minute Yoga Sadhana to anyone who wants to shift their energy before the end of this month or prepare for joining for October's Return of the Sacred by re-visiting the practice. 

ZOOM Recording 90 Min. Yoga Sadhana:

Access Passcode: 0N*Usm#Q

We are not so much in the active recovery of a pandemic, but in active recovery of a Market Economy Culture (MEC) with all its cascading effects.

Families raise people, but cultures raise families. That’s why a true yoga lifestyle shift is so near to my heart. And yoga lifestyle includes the WHOLE PERSON, not just the “mind and body” as is fashionable in the west.

We are often stretched thin living in a Market Economy Culture (MEC), our rituals for deep wellness were disrupted, or let's be honest, we were never really there in the first place - buried by the hustle of our unique positionalities.

Prior to the pandemic we were working, doing daily yoga, gathering socially, and crossing each other at the gym or co-op. We had all but lost our attention span for the more delicate things: consistent ritual, unseen realms, the condition of our inner child, the magic of silence, our relations with nature, and the deep seeing of one another that leads to vulnerability, and thus growth. We were busy claiming our rights, (or position of correctness) without doing our duty (finding out our purpose on the planet at this time and fiercely committing to that dharma). 

I don’t ever mean to put down any “way” or level of development, but I stand here today KNOWING, we ALL really wanted more - anyways. 

We wanted more from our Yoga and more from each other. We wanted a community that wasn’t just a FB Group, Mom’s Group, or Book Club - we wanted a place to get our hands dirty in the work of self-cultivation and birth something of substance for the greater good - something a little more primal, intuitive, and tangible. 

Now, in a sense - each one of us has been brought to our knees in one way or another, by the past year. We are in prime condition to pray, create, gather and rejoice - differently.

This is also a level of shared evolution we are growing into - how to bring our creativity to birth sustenance for the market, but not from the market.

In other words, it has become necessary to tap our inner resources to build a new earth and we carry many unconscious limiting beliefs around bringing forth work in the world that isn’t somehow validated from the outside. 

So many of us, and especially women - as mothers - are affected by the impact of the historical intervention on our creativity. Intervention in the realm of Birthing. Intervention in the realm of work, voting, reproductive rights, etc. As motherers, our sexuality, power of creation, and ability to connect has been deeply, unconsciously feared by a patriarchal rule and thus, by the families and persons brought up in that culture.

That history is recorded in each and every one of us, as the children of mothers.

Our creativity has been compromised.

And, this is a problem. Because our future generations need us WHOLE.

Luckily, we have more ancestors than problems. 

And there is more love, than trauma. 

From that lens, we can acknowledge that: 

Creativity is actually feared by the psyche of a Market Economy Culture (MEC) and our task right now on this gorgeous climate-changing planet is to begin to regenerate our creative life force, and thus HER creative life force. 

It is the Yoga of this time to get back into right relationship with Mothers, The Divine Mother, The Mother Earth, and do it daily.

How to do that effectively, is no longer just my point of passion - but the epicenter of my compassion.

And I am not gonna lie.

That’s why I built a course to honor the sacred act of creation, not from the Market but for it - in a way that can help women, mothers, and anyone deeply interested in creating from a primal place of reverence and connection to The Mother, in our everyday task of right livelihood. 

I will do my best, dancing outside my comfort zone - by showing up on Instagram LIVE throughout this week coming to give small teachings and give folks a chance to ask questions about the Birthing a Body (of Work) Course - so follow me @devoted.yogi  if you wish for some micro-trainings.

Hope to see you there (Or in person soon).

Ps. Just FYI  here’s the underbelly of the course that isn’t online:

Within this course, I get to offer my expertise as a motherer*, a doula, yogi, and transformative leader in this one season of Birthing a Body (of Work) - so I wouldn’t want you to miss out on the integration of so much good work.

This course will cleanse and nourish the 2nd Chakra - and help repattern dis-ease that is associated with the creative/birthing process being harmed, stunted, or has been aborted in any way.

Taking a risk by investing one's time and energy towards Birthing a Body (of Work) is itself a healing act. The title also signals that the body is a fundamental player in this course, incorporated at all levels.

Creative stagnation can manifest as; fear of losing control/rigidity, reactive attachment disorder, anxiety, low back pain, asthma/disorganized breathing or allergies (auto-immune issues), candida or yeast infections, sensuality issues, proneness to being manipulated, or manipulating, and internalization of harm.

There is no way to Birth a Body (of Work) without confronting our limiting beliefs about our ability to create, birth and nurture something of value in the world - something that contributes. In the container of community and with facilitation those limitations need not stop or thwart you.

We are all in this together!

Birthing a Body (of Work): Women’s Spirituality and Transformative Writing is a 100-hr course that women can join as a graduate-level course at their own pacing - or as a fully committed course that can be transferred into the last 100-hrs of the 2022 upcoming 300 Hr Yoga Teacher Training. Which is so exciting!

The thing is, it couldn’t wait. 

We begin Oct 4th, 2021 for the Prep Week - No schedule and . . .

Oct 11th, 2021 - Dec 19th for the 90 Day Course. 

*The term “Motherer” in my eyes is owed to Genevieve Vaughan (2015) and is used for all genders; it indicates a person who unilaterally gives, and makes decisions intuitively based on impact (although historically this position was embodied by women and 3rd gender identifying beings). I use the word Women and Mother through all my work in addition to Motherer to honor the historical relevance of female-gendered experience in relation to birthing and mothering within a wage-patriarchy. 

Jenna McDonald